Hooligan Arms Trick

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Hooligan Arms Trick

Trick information
Series: Hellblazer
Trickster: John Constantine
Target: Ironfist
When: Hellblazer #6
Match: War for the Prophecy

The Hooligan Arms Trick is a Trick in the Hellblazer comic book series. It is played by John Constantine on Ironfist the Avenger in Hellblazer #6, as part of the War for the Prophecy.


Nergal has killed four skinhead hooligans called the British Boys and stitched them together into a four-headed, eight-armed abomination named Ironfist the Avenger, which he then sent to assassinate Zed.


Constantine points out to Ironfist that one of his arms has an Arsenal tattoo and the other has a Chelsea tattoo, indicating that the two halves of the British Boys support different football teams. This triggers the British Boys' hooligan instincts and causes them to fight among themselves, tearing Ironfist apart.