Tube Server Sabotage Trick

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Tube Server Sabotage Trick

Trick information
Series: Grim Fandango
Trickster: Manny Calavera
Target: Domino Hurley, Juan Brennis
When: Grim Fandango, Year 1

The Tube Server Sabotage Trick is a Trick in the adventure video game Grim Fandango. It is played by Manny Calavera in Year 1 of the game.


Convinced that he's being screwed over by the Department of Death, who has been giving his rival Domino Hurley all the best assignments, Manny decides to steal the next client assigned to Domino by intercepting his messages.


Manny goes outside, where a street fair for the Day of the Dead is going on. He gets two empty balloons from the balloon twister at the fair and then goes back to the DoD's mail room, where he fills them with two different packing chemicals that harden when combined. Going up to his office, he sends the balloons down through the pneumatic tube that delivers his messages. When the balloons reach the tube server, where a machine sorts incoming and outgoing messages, they burst, causing the chemicals to combine, harden and jam the mechanism.

Manny goes down to the server to find Juan Brennis, the DoD's demon mechanic, fixing the machine. While the door to the server is open, Manny turns the deadbolt, preventing it from closing when Juan absentmindedly slams it on the way out. That way, Manny is able to enter the server and get to Domino's messages before they are sent up. Seeing as the messages are passing too fast to read, Manny takes a playing card and punches holes in it with Evaluna's hole puncher. The holes decrease the card's air resistance so he can slip it into the pneumatic tube without it getting sucked in, which allows him to block the message about Domino's next client long enough for him to read it.